Let’s nip this in the bud.
It’s easy to exercise your right to representation in our representative democracy. Don’t expect government to change if you don’t. All you need to do is make a quick call, send an email or write a letter to the people you elected to represent you. It doesn’t take much time.
Failure to make yourself heard is like declining to cash in a winning lottery ticket. Why wouldn’t you do it? It’s your right.
Today, the republicans who control the Ohio House of Representatives will hold a secret vote to determine who will be speaker of the house for the next legislative session—and possibly for the next eight years, which is an eternity in politics.
Mike Dovilla, who was elected to represent Ohio House District 17, has announced that he will support current Senate President Matt Huffman, who will move to the House next session, for that powerful position.
As the leader of the senate, Huffman has helped to thwart the advancement of several common sense, lifesaving patient rights and medical freedom bills that have passed overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives. Directly complicit in derailing this no-brainer legislation is Huffman’s cousin, Stephen Huffman, who Matt appointed chairman of the Senate Health Committee. In that position, Stephen is stonewalling legislation that would benefit and guarantee the rights of people from being commoditized for profit by the big-money medical and pharmaceutical establishment.
My elected representative, Mike Dovilla, is supporting an enemy of my medical and human rights.
I supported Dovilla in his primary race and in the general election this year.
I was one of three Central Committee members who spoke on Mike’s behalf at the endorsement meeting of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County—mainly because he assured me that he supports medical freedom.
In pursuit of medical freedom, there could hardly be a worse person to be Ohio’s speaker of the house than Matt Huffman. That’s who Dovilla wants in the position. Huffman’s opponent for house speaker, Rep. Tim Barhorst, of the 85th House District, is a strong supporter of medical freedom.
If you are in Ohio House District 17—Strongsville, Middleburg Heights, Brook Park, Fairview Park, Rocky River—let Mike understand who he represents.
- The Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, which endorsed Dovilla, has approved a resolution to support the passage of HB73, the Dave and Angie (Plant) Patient and Health Provider Protection Act. The legislation was named after a married couple who died in Wooster Community Hospital after they were denied medication that has been proven to be safe and effective, but wasn’t in the hospital’s “protocol.” HB73 would ensure people’s rights to receive medication prescribed by their doctors. The bill passed the House 75-17 18 months ago. Had HB73 been in place in September 2021, it’s possible that my wife, Amy, would be alive today. The Huffmans are blocking the bill in the Senate. Dovilla supports Matt Huffman for speaker of the house.
- The Middleburg Heights GOP, which endorsed Dovilla, and the Cuyahoga Valley Republicans have passed the same resolution in support of HB73.
- The board of directors of the Strongsville GOP, which endorsed Dovilla, has issued a letter in support of HB73.
- Almost 4o individual members of the Parma Republican Club have signed the resolution in support of HB73.
Working with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his nominated secretary of health and human services, President-Elect Donald Trump campaigned heavily on health freedom under the slogan of “Make America Health Again.” Ohio has the chance join that crusade and respect the rights of people to make their own medical decisions in the face of opposition from the people who want to use them for profit.
We need a House Speaker who will not spit in our faces and trample our rights.
Mike might vote my way most of the time over the next two years. But voting against medical freedom is getting off on the wrong foot and is far too big an issue on which to be on the wrong side. Without health freedom, we have no freedom.
If Mike Dovilla is your elected representative, contact him before 5:00 this afternoon and claim the representation that you are entitled to. Tell him not to vote for Matt Huffman.
Do the same if you are represented by somebody else—not only on this issue, but all issues. It’s your right.
If we don’t hold our representatives accountable to us instead of big money special interests, this month’s election didn’t mean a thing.
If you won’t speak up for your own rights, don’t expect politicians to do it for you.
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