Censorship is the biggest threat to America—Protect your rights on November 5

The compromised mainstream media don’t want to talk about it, but Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio), our nominee for U.S. vice president, nailed it in his “debate” against his democrat opponent Tim Walz.

“I believe that we actually do have a threat to democracy in this country,” Vance said. “It is the threat of censorship. I think [it] is a much bigger threat to democracy than anything that we’ve seen in this country in the last 40 years. Kamala Harris is engaged in censorship at an industrial scale. She did it during Covid. She’s done it over a number of other issues.”

Vance is right.

Letting radical democrats control the federal government would be a disaster for the constitutional protection of our God-given rights. Don’t let it happen. Elitists Hillary Clinton and John Kerry in the last couple weeks have clearly expressed their contempt for free speech among us “deplorables.”

In this election, it is imperative that we roadblock the dishonest and destructive agenda of the radical democratic party.

Your vote is important in November. Not only do we need to restore Donald Trump to the White House, but the balance of power in the U.S. Senate is up for grabs—and, to a lesser degree, the House as well. If the democrats retain control of the Senate and take back control of the House, they will control all congressional committees, which would arguably be worse than putting Kacklin’ Kamala Harris in the White House. We need to control both chambers of Congress—and by as large a margin as possible because, unfortunately, we always can count on certain republicans to slither over to side with the democrats on some critical issues.

Issue 1: Don’t fall for the bait and switch—Vote NO

Activists from outside of Ohio—and outside the U.S.—have been given an easy path to change the complexion of Ohio by bypassing our elected legislators and deceiving the public into voting for bad amendments to the state Constitution. Last year they were successful in giving Ohioans one of the most radical pro-abortion laws in the country—in a state where elected republicans hold a veto-proof super majority in both chambers of the state legislature.

They are at it again this year. They want to deceive us by calling Issue 1 an “anti-gerrymandering” amendment. It is, in fact, gerrymandering on steroids and a democratic power grab. You might ask yourself why a Swiss billionaire (Hansjörg Wyss), who isn’t a U.S. citizen, is spending millions of dollars to pass a constitutional ballot amendment in Ohio.

Issue 1, at 13,000 words—twice as long as the U.S. Constitution—would create an unelected bureaucracy of appointed stooges—with no accountability to citizens—to draw state legislative and congressional district maps. The insider gerrymandering that would result if Issue 1 passes would most certainly result the loss of republican seats in Columbus and could turn the state back into a democrat stronghold. And, under the language of Issue 1, there won’t be a thing us citizens can do about it. Members of the commission created by Issue 1 would be appointed by political insiders and would be unaccountable to voters.

Your fellow conservative Ohioans need you to vote NO on Issue 1.

(For what it’s worth, Trump also is opposed to Issue 1.)

You can read the full text of Issue 1 here.

Republican candidates

Below are the RPCC endorsed candidates.

I encourage you to do your homework on these candidates. Some conservatives choose to vote republican up and down the slate. Others choose the hold back their votes for those republican candidates who have betrayed or disappointed them. How you vote is your decision.

As for me, I will be sitting out one or two of these races. Here’s why. A politician who violates his or her oath to defend the Constitution—and votes against my God-given rights—is disqualified from receiving my vote. An elected officeholder may disagree with me about certain relatively inconsequential policy matters. That’s fine. I’m not going to agree with anybody 100 percent of the time. But if he or she believes that they have the authority to shut me up, take away my right to self-defense and give the government the unconstitutional power to spy on me, they are finished.

Endorsed by the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County

Your ballot will identify Ohio Supreme Court candidates by their party affiliation. With liberal activists increasingly spending big money to bypass our state legislature and alter the state Constitution, it is more important than ever to keep republicans in control of the Ohio Supreme Court. It’s our last line of defense against unconstitutional radical policies.

Candidates for Cuyahoga County court judges are not identified by party on the ballot. If you want to put republicans on the county court bench, please remember the names above. There are very few republican judges in the Cuyahoga County courts.

Important issues

RPCC doesn’t take positions on local issues. However, the Strongsville GOP (club), in addition to endorsing the above candidates, also endorses voting “NO” on the Strongsville Schools Levy Issue 53.

Strongsville School Levy: NO!

Personally, I will emphatically vote NO on a new permanent tax levy for the government schools. In fact, I can’t imagine myself voting in favor of any property tax increase, for any reason, ever again.

We are at a time when the cost of living has increased at the highest levels in almost a century, and a time when the bureaucrats in Cuyahoga County—and across Ohio—have decreed massive increases in homeowners’ property values (with subsequent tax increases) without a vote.

It is with entitlement and disrespect that governmental bodies expect residents to continue to sacrifice more and more, and accept smaller and smaller slices of their own earnings, while governments remain immune from inflation and continue to expand their budgets. Enough is enough. This levy would be continuing—or permanent—unlike a renewable levy that expires after a set period of time.

More about censorship

Thanks to disclosures of the Twitter files, government records and at least four federal lawsuits—most of which the corporate “news” media won’t acknowledge—we know that the Biden-Harris administration continually, and in violation of the First Amendment, have suppressed the free speech of the American people.

Last year, ruling on one First Amendment case against the Biden-Harris administration, Federal Judge Terry Doughty, of U.S. District Court, Western Louisiana, called the administration’s behavior “arguably the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

This radical administration also has weaponized the federal justice system to target and silence Donald Trump—a political opponent. This is not how it’s supposed to work in the United States.

The weaponization against Trump is bad enough. But the Democratic party also has suppressed one of its own. When Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of perhaps the most revered democratic family in our country’s history, announced a run for the party’s presidential nomination against Biden, he was attacked almost as unmercifully as was Trump. Kennedy was denied Secret Service protection. No democrat primary opponents were allowed, as Senile Joe Biden was made the party’s nominee by decree of its power elite—only to be later replaced by Kacklin’ Kamala, who was ordained by the party’s muckety-mucks without a single vote of the people.

If you want to see what sort of banana republic thuggery the democrats have in store for America, just look at how they run their own party.

Meanwhile, Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard—a former democratic presidential candidate who also has been victimized by the weaponized Biden-Harris administration—are now steadfast crusaders against censorship and active and valued members of Trump’s campaign team.


I have been involved in voter roll cleanup in Cuyahoga County and have successfully gotten people who voted after they died finally removed from the voter rolls. However, the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections recently rejected my challenges to remove from its voter rolls almost 150 voters who moved from Cuyahoga County to Michigan—and have voted there. In addition, Cuyahoga and 87 other Ohio counties have ineligible voters on their rolls who live in 49 other states.

Do not assume that a Trump victory is a sure thing in Ohio. Every vote counts. Including yours.

Hold them accountable

I hope the election goes well for conservatives. If it does, that doesn’t mean all of our problems will be solved overnight and we can stop paying attention. It is important to hold our elected republican officials accountable for the way they behave in Washington and Columbus.

Keep your eye on them. Pressure them to do the right thing. Do not glorify and celebritize them.

They work for you. Not the other way around.

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