A pair of law firms have submitted requests that Louisiana district attorneys initiate criminal investigations of Tony Fauci and other officials for alleged crimes committed against citizens of Louisiana—including murder—prior to and during the covid pandemic. The Vires Law Group,
Continue reading »Author: Ken McEntee
Doctor’s affidavit is part of request for criminal investigation of Fauci
A doctor who formerly practiced at the Washington hospital that treated the first U.S. covid case has written an affidavit that details “criminal collusion,” “Medicare fraud,” discrimination against unvaccinated patients and other legal and ethical violations relating to the treatment
Continue reading »The cruelty of dying alone
Most people have recently heard of, or have been personally involved in horror scenarios in which loved ones—including confused elderly patients—have died alone, often after weeks or months of isolation in hospitals and nursing homes. Being left to die in
Continue reading »Ohio Senate should protect patients’ rights
No person should die for want of a safe medication that doesn’t meet a hospital’s “protocol” or doesn’t comply with a pharmacist’s whim or agenda. In September 2021 my wife, Amy, passed away with covid after Ohio pharmacists refused to
Continue reading »J.D. Vance decries war fever, butchery and bullying
Many people who don’t limit their news sources to the corporate propaganda industry—including its local minor league affiliates—are aware that the NATO-Russian War by way of Ukraine could have been over a few weeks after the Russian invasion. In fact,
Continue reading »Facebook shadow ban? Censorship? Luck of the draw?
I have no conclusions to draw or point to make from the chart posted below. You may draw your own. I hear people talk about being censored on Facebook—if not outright (I’ve been suspended a few times), then at least
Continue reading »The malpractice of mainstream media
In 1787, the same year the U.S. Constitution was drafted, Thomas Jefferson remarked, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to
Continue reading »Silent night: you no shoot
The story may change a little depending on which account one reads. But the takeaway is that under the most unlikely circumstances, for one day 109 years ago, men who were cast into the roles of enemies set down their
Continue reading »An adult discussion of Israel and Gaza
Talking with people you disagree with is not weakness. Censorship is for bullies and cowards. Start at 36:42.
Continue reading »Homeschooling: Not what the government says
In the middle of August, moms flooded social media with photos of their kids getting on the bus or posing with placards marking the first day of the new school year. But Nicole Machor, a Medina mom, posted photos of
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