Always treasure simple pleasures. That’s the handwritten inscription on one of the first gifts I received from my late wife, Amy. The adage was pasted—along with the photo of an orangutan holding a flower—on a wooden plaque. The gift was
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Ohio Senate gives cover to hospital murder
A few days before she passed away at Wooster (Ohio) Community Hospital, Angie Plant made a desperate call to her sister, Crystal Boles. Angie mumbled over the phone that she wanted budesonide—an inhaled corticosteroid that Texas physician Dr. Richard Bartlett
Continue reading »Your mouth to God’s ear: what I observed
“From your mouth to God’s ear.” My democrat counterpart poll observer—a lawyer—was responding to my prediction that Ohio’s so-called “anti-gerrymandering” Issue 1 would pass overwhelmingly. He wanted that to happen. I didn’t, but I thought it would. Fortunately for me,
Continue reading »Businesses bolt California, head for Florida
More than 1,100 businesses relocated from California to other states in 2023, while 1,000 firms migrated to Florida, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported. Overall, California had a net loss of 533 migrating businesses last year, by far
Continue reading »Drowning Cubans and drone aircraft
“We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.” Lest you assume that the people in charge of “keeping us safe” are adults, and not dangerous psychopaths who never mentally developed beyond adolescence, you might be
Continue reading »Doctor’s affidavit is part of request for criminal investigation of Fauci
A doctor who formerly practiced at the Washington hospital that treated the first U.S. covid case has written an affidavit that details “criminal collusion,” “Medicare fraud,” discrimination against unvaccinated patients and other legal and ethical violations relating to the treatment
Continue reading »Human Trafficking: Let the oppressed go free
“Awareness is the first weapon to fight human trafficking,” said Timothy Schmalz, world renowned Canadian artist. That’s why Schmalz created Let the Oppressed Go Free, a life-sized bronze sculpture that depicts human trafficking slaves being released from captivity. The 23-foot
Continue reading »Two years and 451 degrees
The future looked as bright as a bonfire two years ago. I had taken on a big new project, having been contracted to edit a new magazine for the scrap metal recycling business. The first issue was hot off the
Continue reading »J.D. Vance Watch: Vance co-sponsors bill against endless wars
Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) Website Phone: (202) 224-3353 Washington, D.C. Phone: (216) 539-7877 Cleveland Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) joined Sens. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Mike Braun (R-Indiana) in co-sponsoring legislation to return authority to wage war to
Continue reading »Red pilling the blue pill
There is a debunked story still making the rounds that says Russian soldiers are being supplied with Viagra so they can rape Ukrainian women. Rape, the story says, is actually a part of Russian “military strategy” in its battle in
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